Ayurveda is a broad field of knowledge that covers many aspects of health. It provides strong advice for dealing with tough health problems, even those often considered incurable.
At the same time, it offers healthy people useful tips for staying well and avoiding illness.
A central part of this wisdom is called 'swasthavritta,' which means "health horizons."
This approach focuses on the importance of food and lifestyle choices that fit different seasons and times of day. By following these clear guidelines, people can lead healthier and more balanced lives.
In Ayurveda, it is crucial to grasp the concept and philosophy behind the term "Agni," which translates to "fire." This term is linked to the Hindu god of fire and it is also the root of the Latin word "ignis," meaning fire. Agni is one of the five fundamental impermanent elements: fire, sky, water, air, and earth.
Each cell in our body engages in a vital process similar to what modern medicine calls metabolism, referred to in Ayurveda as "Agni" The essential energy represented by Agni plays a pivotal role in harmonizing all physiological functions within our bodies. When Agni functions optimally, it maintains balance among the three doshas and the seven bodily tissues( Sapta Dhatu), facilitating smooth excretory processes (Mala) and overall physiological activities. With a vibrant mind and spirit, individuals can harness this energy for enhanced well-being and optimal bodily function, which exemplifies the essence of good health and mental clarity.
In Ayurveda, the focus is on the fundamental energy known as "jaṭharagni." When this energy is well-regulated, the likelihood of illness diminishes. A balanced state not only includes proper body weight, but also maintains equilibrium among various chemicals, electrolytes, and hormones within the body.
There are a total of thirteen types of Agni, including saptadhātavagni, panchabhutagni, and jatharagni . Agni is the driving force of existence, influencing bodily processes through its composition of seven tissues and five basic elements. The metabolic activities of our bodies rely heavily on this core energy.
The foundation of Āyurvedic treatment is "kaya chikitsa" or Agni chikitsa, where the goal is to stimulate, regulate, and sustain the continuous and coordinated flow of this energy. All Ayurvedic therapies, yoga practices, and naturopathic treatments aim to activate and maintain this vital energy for optimal health. At Sattva Best of India you can find a selection of the finest ayurvedic products for your beauty and health. You can as well ask Dr. Poonam for a free consultation, in order to make sure that the products fit perfectly your type and conditions.