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The Blue City - Part 1

The Blue City - Part 1

Jodhpur, located in Rajasthan, is known as the "Blue City" due to the striking color of the houses in its central area.

Its ancient name, “The Kingdom of Marwar,” is just as enchanting as its architecture. We spent several days there, gathering various artistic items for Sattva Best of India, especially focusing on home decor.

The city's beauty has left a lasting impression on me, conjuring memories that play out like a series of snapshots. I’ll do my best to share some of this unforgettable beauty with you – such as this girl checking her phone, or a tiny vase with fake flowers.

As I wandered through the historical part of the city, I captured countless photos. The blue is unmistakable, and legend has it that the Brahmins initially painted their walls blue to repel insects and maintain cooler temperatures.

I also enjoyed watching curled-up dogs lounging in front of doorways. 

In one moment, I saw some children emerging from a small temple. One of them paused for a silent greeting.

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